Welcome! We look forward to doing business with you!
To get started the Town of Fort Smith requires any business, whether home based or commercial, to have a business license. For a first time business operating out of a home, a Development Permit application must be completed (one time fee and application only) in addition to the business license application. Please see forms attached in documents section below.
All forms must be submitted to the Town of Fort Smith at the Town of Fort Smith office. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us at 872-8400 or refer to the Business Licensing Bylaw #504 for detailed information, attached below.
Business Lisence Fees:
- Commercial - $100.00
- Commercial allowed in residential zone (non-conforming) - $150.00
- Home Occupation - $100.00 (plus $165 Development Permit fee for first-time applicants)
- Telephone/ Desk Operation - $100.00
- Charitable Purposes - no charge
- Junior Business - $1.00
- Non-resident Contractor - $350.00
- Non-resident Vendor - $50.00 per weekend or up to 2-day event
- Charitable Purposes - no charge
How to Start a Business in the Northwest Territories
See the documents section below for copies of the Business License bylaw and application forms.
Information on the on the Town of Fort Smith Zoning Bylaw
Business Assistance
Thebacha Business Development Services (TBDS): TBDS offers entrepreneurship training, business counseling, help with writing a business plan, loan programs and information to suit the needs of community members interested in starting or expanding their own business. For more information go to: http://www.thebacha.ca/
GNWT Industry, Tourism and Investment: The Government of the Northwest Territories offers a number of supports to get your business the help it needs to get off the ground or to continue to succeed. To learn more about their programs and services go to: http://www.iti.gov.nt.ca/en/services